The MASCOT is the bi-monthly magazine of the Singer Motor Club containing members’ articles, technical talk, events calendar, items of general interest and small ads for parts and vehicles for sale or wanted. Hopefully the Article Index below (currently for Nov 2000 to Nov 2011) will enable members to find things they know they have seen in the Mascot but have been unable to find.
If you have a technical problem or query, you should find it useful to peruse the Index to see if the problem has been mentioned in the Mascot and, if it has and you don’t have the magazine or, alternatively, if your problem or query is not listed, then please use the ‘Contact Us‘ option and we will do our best to come up with a solution!
On the front cover of the latest magazine below, Ben Hawkins’s 1908 Singer Wagonette fitted perfectly into the wonderful setting of a street scene at the Black Country Living Museum during their Father’s Day event on 16th June. See full report on pages 29-31 of the magazine. Photo: Ben Hawkins